Friday 7 September 2012


And Freya made it into the shop where we were shopping today and came back to mine afterwards. She really liked the Falafel but did not even eat the garlic potatoes which were much better cooked than yesterday. That was a bit disappointing, I wasn't overly impressed with them but did like them.
Afterwards we discussed attendance as from next week Freya will be attending Rangers every Friday and won't be able to come so we rearranged her visit to a Wednesday

Oh Dear

And as the summer holidays are over we better nip to the swimming pool.

Just good lord, in the swimming pool stretching my legs upward, doing the breast stroke with both hands etc. In the couple of months since I have been there and I am so much better already
And as I was walking up and down the swimming pool I was able to concentrate a bit less on lifting my knee and walking properly with my right foot. I think I am beginning to learn properly how to walk, it is more automatic than last week


So last night I switched off my 'puter and nipped bedwards. On the was I switched on the laptop but it couldn't find my music files which are stored on this PC. It took me checking and showing Dicky that it is working again s'morning (which isn't what I was trying to show him) that it began to dawn on me.
Autoshutdown in an hours time, instead of switching off now is what I should have dun last night