Friday 15 December 2017


"Is Paraffin Wax As Non-Toxic As It Was Declared To Be In 1850?

In a word: No. In two words: Hell no"

From GeekyGirl


But first we have to go to the toenail chopper to have my toenails done. And paid for.
Well.... didn't she do well. Again watching her made my brain hurt but she did it

Missing Her Already

And IIRC Sam is not gonna be about to take the gym class today. The phrase glamorous assistant springs to mind....
Well it went OK. For most of the class I am thinking "I am still getting better" except on the bike device I had a problem bending my right knee enough to do it. Yesterday and today I had some cream rubbed on the back of my knee which is improving it some but not enough for the class today


And first thing I got out the sellotape and wrapping paper etc and wrapped last pressies. Again I am just getting so much better at stuff involving my right hand. Today I did the cutting of paper with my right hand and writing cards also with my right hand