Sunday 2 October 2016

Nooneraft Out

The weather was so lovely today that we headed "out" and ended up in Llansteffan where there is a raised walk along the sea thingy and an ice cream shop. It was nice being out but even nicer to be reminded of just how mobile I can be.
Gareth did mention at one point that Sara is gonna want to take me for a walk along the sand at some point, which I made scared noises about the last time she mentioned it to me but I think that as my legs/feet are so much more mobile these days that I might give it a go sometime


So the sun came out later and suddenly (within a  minute?) the fog had turned to sunshine today

Washy Machine

So I got up and changed the bed s'morning. It is currently washing half a house away. And I must say, it is much quieter than the old one. Suppose it is a lot less harmful in some way but it is not as noisy as a very noisy thing