Thursday, 22 September 2016

Red Dwarf

And tonight I am watching the first of a new series of Red Dwarf. Same cast, same sense of humour as before.
Very happy chappy

More Jeans

Today I tried on another pair of my "spare" trousers but they have a zip at the bottom, heading up the side, and this makes it impossible to roll them up if they are too long. So I have got another 3 pairs of trews to take to a charity shop mañana.
Tonight we might try that Tesco's place for more jeans
Well we done it. Last time we were shopping for trews we were in a fat person's shop in Cardiff whereas tonight I popped to Tesco's, couldn't try owt on as they close the changing room at night but we hummed and hawed, thought "If they don't fit bring them back tomorrow" bought 2 pairs and when I got home and tried them on they do fit. They feel miles smaller than the big trews I have been wearing for some time but they do fit me


After we came back and did loadsa "putting away" of shopping we hearer over to the gym. I was s'posed to do 20 mins cycling then 10 mins on a rowing machine but the cycle machine was playing up. We had done 15 mins when it gave up the ghost again and in disgust I thought "extra rowing time" and did 15 mins on there too
Initially the cycle machine was kind of shaking it's head in astonishment at how fast I can cycle now

Hectic Shop

So first thing today we wobbled over to Morrisons to get *all" my shopping for the week as the organic lady couldn't make it this week. I got most of it organically, no orgy muesli tho.

Better @ Walking

And when I was nipping to the loo s'morning I noticed that my right foot *now* travels forward of my left foot before it touches down. I *used*to* leav uneven footprints but it seems that they are a lot more even now