Thursday 22 September 2016

More Jeans

Today I tried on another pair of my "spare" trousers but they have a zip at the bottom, heading up the side, and this makes it impossible to roll them up if they are too long. So I have got another 3 pairs of trews to take to a charity shop maƱana.
Tonight we might try that Tesco's place for more jeans
Well we done it. Last time we were shopping for trews we were in a fat person's shop in Cardiff whereas tonight I popped to Tesco's, couldn't try owt on as they close the changing room at night but we hummed and hawed, thought "If they don't fit bring them back tomorrow" bought 2 pairs and when I got home and tried them on they do fit. They feel miles smaller than the big trews I have been wearing for some time but they do fit me