Thursday 6 June 2013

Wiv Freya

And then later today we went and picked up that Freya and for almost the whole night she was caught in conversation with TechnoTimmy and AwesomeAlex(1), my new MOS
(1) I am told to call him this not AwfulAlex


And we have in shadow shifting today one of my new MOS, AwfulAlex and today has gone alright so far


So we went swimming today and as much as I want to complain I did actually rather enjoy all the exercises

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Dreams, dreams

So last night I dreamt I was in bed, had a w*nk, sat up in bad to reach for a tissue and realised thar the member of staff who was sleeping on my floor was awake and looking at me. WTF?

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone