Sunday 18 January 2015


And I bought my Kindle a few weeks ago, tried reading which I liked but my hands and my eyes didn't seem to work properly together. A few days ago I discovered sitting at the kitchen table with my Kindle in front of me (or for that matter sitting on the loo in a poo*ing position) works well. I bought a copy of Terry Pratchett, The Colour Of Magic (Discworls volume 1, the first of an enormous series) and I am currently 38% of the way through it, oh what fun reading is, you need to remember what you read last time etc etc


So s'afternoon at bathtime I had a wash with water out of the kettle. What a performance then I had to call Alex and ask him to wash my back with special stuff... then I had to go and get dried then call him again to put more special stuff on my boobs and back

More Reason's To Shop At.....

And we are heading off to buy the rest of my weeks food at Morrison's (noisy link) in a bit
Ho hum, we did it, didn't buy much but important stuff