Saturday 10 March 2018


And we went to The Pub s'evening and drank a small amount. But yum yum


And today in the bath I managed to wash my left armpit using my right hand which was in the keeping water away from your plaster thing. First time I have managed that since I owned the cover, a week and a half ago


So s'morning we headed into town, to opposite the railway station is the mobility tools shop where we were looking for a new walking stick. As mine is fine for normal use but a bit scruffy for using it walking to the podium at Sam's wedding to make my reading. OK, that's not for two months yet but phew as they had to order me a stick today which won't be in for 2 weeks. Then we bring it home and decorate it with flowers etc then leave in in the corner until we take in to England in my spares bag until the morning of the wedding when I will actually use it
Although the chap in the shop, when I said "Can I have another 'stick like this" said "Sorry, we can't do one with flowers"


Then last night it occurred to me that then I was ¾ of the way through my time in a splint

Up She Cried

So I had no alarm clock set today, as it is the weekend, and I still got up, stripped my bed etc 15 minutes before my alarm clock goes off on a normal morning