Tuesday 6 August 2013

Out and About

Then me and Alex headed out in the car. First of all I directed us to Mynydd Cerrig and we called in at Ruth's house and delivered back Athan's toy which he had left here
Then we went into Carmarthen looking for a bun shop but everywhere was closed (It was after 9pm) we ended up in SHHHHH McDonalds and bought two mugs of tea and two buns

Ruth and Athan

Then about 4 o'clock Ruth and her talented son, Athan, came round. It was excellent to see them both and Ruth made some noises about me finding a life which was positive
When they went home Athan left one of his toys sitting on my table

Level 3 class

So I had my first Tuesday mobility class s'morning. I could walk faster by the end of it than I could at beginning.
And it is strange noticing stuff today. I wasn't concentrating on my right wrist and it stayed in position for the whole session.
I didn't have to concentrate on my right foot for about the first 3/4 of the session and it didn't turn over at all, then I had to concentrate for 10 minutes then for the last 5 mins it turned over outrageously