Wednesday 23 February 2011

Washing and Drying

Well I had a shower today and as usual was struggling to wash my back. Afterwards I got dried, used my toe drier which was easier today but then I noticed ¾ of the way twixt my handle and the 'drying' sponge was another 'cleaning' bit. If I had noticed earlier I would have had to take off the 'drying sponge' temporarily then washed my back with the other brushy bit.

Och well, next time, but it did prove easier


Someone cut my hair for me today but they insisted that I have a shave too

(Mouseable now)

Disabled Loo's

So this morning the posty brought me a) A change of my dental appointment, this one is sooner!!, and b) My key for disabled toilets around the country and a book telling me where they are


So I got up s'morning, put back on the socks I had only been wearing for a couple of hours last night, then breakfasted, then phoned the Taxi company and booked 2 for tomorrow. (sigh) tomorrow after lunch I need to take my new splint back and have the size readjusted then in the evening I am going to the Folk Club in Carmarthen.
Then I will brush my teeth for s'morning

"Someone" told me that Jackie is working tomorrow after all and she has permission to take me to the Folk Club in her car, so I phoned back and cancelled one taxi
