Thursday, 30 June 2016


Iechyd Daing again. It was good apart from the dull as..... electrical chaps who played in the middle. After a few minutes everyone was ignoring them and chatting amongst themselves. As ever I took some photos but no need to publish them. They are just the same again

End Of Busyness

So s'morning we went shopping and gymwards and that was the last of my couple of weeks of being way too busy. S'evening there is a folk night at Caffi Iechyd Da and tomorrow there is no gym class.
And one of the MOS for the cafe said tonight "No wheelchair, I gave never seen you walk".

Busy Morning

So we got stuck in s'morning and did my whole days worth of diary events. So now, after the washing up, I can relax until we pop out to The Folk Night at Caffi Iechyd Da
So we picked up organic veg that is delivered to Caffi Iechyd Da with their organic veg order, popped to Morrisons and got my weeks worth of top up, went to the gym and did half hour on the bike (5km today) then came home to eat lunch