Monday 19 March 2012


And we went to the folk club tonight which was excellent but they said "On Wednesday, come along" so we are getting a train to Llanelli and having a good time then we are back

After Lunchtime

And it is already after lunchtime and I am not hungry yet, I s'pose I'd better go and eat summat Well I have eaten now and read well into Harry Potter 5 but I had to stop reading. Too gripping or summat, and I need a nap. So see you later (perhaps not WS)

Bored with Timmy now

Ho hum, this morning I am with Timmy then this evening Paul is coming in. Hooray, so s'morning we went and did (an it didn't look like) a weeks shopping in Morrison's.
Although we had to go elsewhere (that T place) to get some blueberries