Thursday 15 December 2011

Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief

A week ago if I brushed my teeth then tried to rinse with cold water it hurt. Also if I drank hot tea/coffee it hurt. So a week ago I bought some new toothpaste, Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief (noisy link), and now my teeth don't hurt. As I have already got a (bigger) 2nd tubs it will be a while b4 I know if they are seriously saying "It'll be forever"


Then today apropos of nowt I took out our travel documents for going to Glasgow at the weekend and on the returning one is still said 23rd not the 27th. Aargh, Ed phoned customer services and talked to them for half an hour while being charged £90 for changing the time on the flights


Well, afterwards I went to the dentist which was scary having a massive root canal job done. It hardly hurt me at all but I couldn't close my mouth or speak for about 40 minutes


And just in time b4 the dentist the wheelchair fixer man came, fixed the brake that doesnt stop the wheel going round and noted the 2 other repairs that we need new parts for

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck,

Going to the dentist in a hour for my special long appointment

Stuff for Scotland

So first thing s'morning me and Ed loaded up his car (well actually Ed alone) with all sorts of "stuff" to take to Scotland. Well stuff that we don't need to see in the next week so it is now loaded into his car and tonight it will be loaded into his Mum's car and she is driving to Scotland tomorrow, via loadsa stops on the way so Ed's uncle will have all my stuff and bring it to the airport next Friday