Wednesday 4 November 2015


And we went to my local pub tonight. It was fine, I was sat at the bar chatting up the barmaid when she said "You were in with her a few months back. How do you know Freya Amsbury?" It turns out she was at secondary school in the same class

Dr Phoned

And the Dr phoned me s'afternoon and said 'You ordered a repeat 'script with your anti acne cream on it, how's it looking, can I not write that out for you as you have been using it for ages?" So I had to say "Yes, try me without it"


And at half four we nipped out and bought more ingredients, I haven't cooked frozen food in about a week!!!


And we went swimming over lunchtime. It went OK, exercise, stretch etc then we got out.
It stopped being good then.
In the big disabled changing room was a chap. So we went round to the first smaller room, someone in there too so we went round to the far one. We got in, unpacked then I got under the shower. Except it doesn't fscking work. So back outside to wait for one of the other rooms to be free.
And of course it was the smaller one which was first

Unscrew The Oven

So I got an email from the folk that I had emailed about buying a new knob for the oven saying that I can't see the model no, but GGtGG was working, looked at it and said "Right, take out these screws we will be able to move the oven forward"
I said "WTF" but he managed it, found the serial no. on the top then put the oven back, away again and screwed it back in

She Has Been

And she came, was as skilled as ever on my toenails and has gone now.
Missing you already.....