Thursday 21 February 2013

Brief Visit

Then we nipped to a school and picked up Freya. She was on a deadline tonight, going to see someone in a play so we got here, turned the oven on, cooked, ate food then took her straight away.
After we came back Timmy had to wash up
And Freya has agreed to come back and see me in a more relaxed fashion on Sunday

New Tyres

Then after Timmy phoned and asked permission we had to take the car into Kwikfit and have 2 new tryes fitted to the front. They said "That size we only have expensive tyres, we will have to phone and ask permission to fit them" and did.
They said it would take an hour so we nipped next door and had a cuppa and a lovely bun

Little Old Lady

So s'morning Sarah Bailey, the speech and language therapist came to see me. She listened to my throat as I was drinking a cuppa etc. She did say that the doctor hasn't got back to us about the appointment to have my swallowing assessed so she will have to phone him again!