Sunday 22 May 2011

Helen The NOT Hat

So Helen came into my room to do some stuff earlier. As I get confused I showed her the online pics of Helen The Hat, a traveller who I used to see occasionally when I lived at Happy Valley and while we were looking at some pages a tune come on by The Levellers who I used to own loadsa tapes by but I haven't thought about them in 8 years, I no longer can play tapes (even illegally copied ones), so I went online and bought 3 albums by them

Sunday Bl**dy Sunday

So I got up s'morning, after I sat on the edge of my bed and took my many tablets and put my splint on etc it was still just 8AM. Last night, or s'morning, I felt a pain in my right lower leg again, although it didn't wake me up but upon waking I wriggled a bit and it hurt.