Saturday 1 July 2017


And I was watching a program about driverless cars tonight, dunno what to say..... but I was impressed

No Hibernating

So I was looking at a way of switching my PC to not "hibernate", just "sleep" mode. So I investigated and found right click on START and goto COMMAND PROMPT. But it didn't work. What was going on? Ah, it didn't say COMMAND PROMPT, it said "COMMAND PROMPT (Admin)" which I had missed yesterday. Did what it said and my PC is behaving more like I wannit to

Still Improving

And today when I was cooking 2 dinners at once (one in the pan until tomorrow) I was hopping backwards and forwards around the kitchen without my walk stick and without holding on to owt to balance, just walking about like a proper person


And today I am wearing a lumberjack shirt kind of thing over my T shirt. I noticed today when taking it off (as I was overheated) that I used to avoid the lumberjack shirts as they had buttons instead of a zip, which were hard to do up etc. Yes, they are still difficult but 10 times easier than 6 months ago as my hands are becoming so much more useful

Art For Arts Sake

So me and MM headed into town early and called into the Oriel Art Gallery in Carmarthen. It was excellent, some beautiful work. The assistant was talking with me about the art and he went into the back room and fetched another book to show me pictures relevant to our conversation. There were another 2 art galleries opposite, across the road, but we decided to head off round town for a walk and will call in next weekend to look at these 2 galleries