Wednesday 24 July 2013

Email on my phone

For a couple of days I have been trying to fix issues with email on my phone be fiddling about with my PC and setting email settings etc. It occurred to me tonight that no, it is my phone saying "Crisis on this account" because it is on my phone that the settings need resetting, not the email prog on my PC

Early Swap

Then because Paul has to take me to hospital really early in the morning on Friday when he is not supposed to come in 'til 10AM, when here is not on my diary for day before, so he is coming in tomorrow night so he can be up and at 'em early on Friday so Gareth, who is gonna lose half a shift then came in to start it early to make it fair


Then s'morning me and SmallPaul nipped into Morrison's to buy 2 or 3 things including large yorkshire puddings. We went over and over and gave up, nipped to Tesco's and asked someone there, yes, frozen she said, we had not looked in the freezer in Morrison's

Autumn Weather

Mmm, 100% grey cloud s'morning again and it is a bit cooler today. Still hotter than average but colder

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone