Tuesday 18 November 2014


Then after my nap I said "The light isn't working again, so it must be the battery in the remote control" so we nipped into Wilko to get a replacement. The light still didn't work so I changed the bulb. It still didn't work so I shouted "Help". Alex came in and eventually found that he had knocked the plug slightly out of it's socket s'morning when fitting the new lead for my iPad. So testing it again with the old bulb and battery so we now have bought a spare battery too


So s'morning the postman brought the new USB connector to attach my iPad to the Interweb. Lickily it was Alex working today who knows about stuff like this  etc, so I gave it to him. First of all we nipped to Charlies Store looking for a pressure washer and some hammer in clips for the wire. So I stood up in the car park and walked all the way to the back of the store looking but we were only able to buy hammer in clips. So then we drove to the middle of Carmarthen, parked in Wilko's car park and again I walked into Argos. On foot in there I bought a pressure washer, and walked back to the car. Then we came back and had lunch.
Alex said "No need to go to the gym today as I  have walked so far" which is good, better rehabilitating me by being in town than in gym
Then after lunch Alex started hammering in cable grips etc and he is half way through connecting it. I said "Start this side, hammer 'til you are under the bed then go to the other end and start there, then and spare can just be piled up under the bed"


So I woke up for a pee about half past six s'morning. I reached over, pressed the switch for my lamp, it didn't come on. Tried a few more times, no it must have blown, ask Timmy when we get up properly. Found my way in the dark as far as my proper light switch, went for a pee. And because this one just worked I knew we hadn't had a power cut etc
So when I got up properly at 8am I decided to just try it one last time before calling TinyTimmy.
It just worked this time,