Saturday 30 December 2017


And I noticed today... I had an itchy bit on my back. But I didn't scratch it, I just rubbed the itchy bit with the finger tips of my hand. Very strange, not scratching, no bleedin' bits, no blood but just rubbing makes the itch stop/go away


So me and GGtGG popped into town today, popped into a charity shop to donate my watch that I bought for £1.45 on Ebay and can't read, and just walked for miles(1), theraputic-fscking-ally.
But in the charity shop they had next Christmases wish
(1) Along King St, past the old Town Hall, down the big hill past it, turn right at bottom, along for a bit then back uphill past Caffi Iechyd Da, back along King St to the car