Sunday 30 November 2014


So tomorrow Sara the physio is meeting me and SmallPaul by the swimming pool and she is gonna teach me some new tricks while Timmy stands by the pool with the iPad videoing the whole experience so I can have no memory issues....

The Doctor

Gosh we watched a Dr Who tonight and it was as excellent as an excellent thing...

Saturday Nights Dinner

And because we had summat else last night tonight we had my usual Saturday night dinner of roasted veg etc and by gord it was as beautiful as ever, or more so


And as I walked round to the recycling point today we noticed that even tho I didn't have any FES device fitted that my right foot has learned by itself to keep itself straight. I still need the FES sometimes but just wow being able to walk without it and 2 flat feet.....
AND I made some progress on walking later too....


And SmallPaul came into work 5 minutes early today as he is so keen....