Monday 28 August 2017

Cheerful Drunk Man

And when we were out walking tonight a drunk man was coming t'other way and he said 'Hi' to me then he said to RoyGBiv 'He used to be in a wheelchair, used to be' which was nice


And the back door is still open, it has been so warm, even tho it is dark now the door is still open

Double Sigh

And Sara The Physio has just emailed me to say "Sorry, circs. beyond my control, tomorrow is cancelled. Will be in touch...."

Walkies Again

Sigh, therapeutic walkies again tonight. We are just heading into town......
And we parked opposite Caffi Nero, walked round town, up Red St/Chapel St, up past Caffi Iechyd Da and along King St and back down the far side of the old court building, Guildhall

Hope It Fits

And aargh, the already broken front of the top drawer in the freezer broke more today. So I hope this replacement fits

I CAN Walk Nowadays

And in the bathroom s'morning not thinking about it I just stuck my walking stick next to the door and walked without holding on, just walked, to the loo. Like I haven't been able to do for over a fortnight.

So it is proof, I AM getting better

This Morning

So first of all today I went to the gym with RoyGBiv and did various upper body exercises, as I can now.
Then we headed into town and I bought about a years worth of tissues from Merlins Walk. I could have just waited until I was in Morrisons in a couple of days but I tell everyone that it is therapeutic, a)Walking to get there, and b)Just conversing with the till operator etc

Feet and Legs Better

And this morning I can just tell that my feet and legs are behaving a bit better.....
But my fscking coccyx is still hurting, most sitting down positions.....