Monday 15 October 2012

Sloe Ginning

And tonight I carried my glasses of Sloe Gin into the living room instead of necking them in the kitchen. And I have drunk far less - just sipping. Usually by now I would have had about 4 drinks, now I am only half way thru my second. I still enjoy it etc but it takes much less

Strange Eggs

And so I was microwaving scrambled eggs for dinner. So I did them for 30 sec at a time so I could see when they were done. After a couple of minutes it was nearly done and Paul said "Stir it, then heat the beans, let it finish by itself", so I stirred the nearly cooked eggs, set them aside and carried on with microwaving the beans. By the time the beans were ready (1 min) the eggs had cooked themselves by themselves and were ready too.
So tonight we had weird scrambled eggs and beans on toast for tea and it was delicious


And then we tried to buy an original set of Trivial Pursuit which me and my parents will play when they are here over Christmas which will hopefully stop us being too bored
Then later we went back to ThatEvilTesco and bought "What Is This?" and "Zoo Am I?" more board games which between the 3 of them should stop us being too bored

Two Shopping

Good lord. So first of all we nipped to Morrison's and got most of our shopping. All except they didn't have, even in the back room according to the chap we asked, they had no blueberries

So then we nipped to ThatEvilTesco place to get some and while we were there we thought "Organic Muesli, may as well buy some here as it went wrong in the HFS this week, coat hangers, extra strong mints etc. AND they didn't have any blueberries either. So trying black this week.

So in total I spent £23ish on my packet of Blueberries

Christmas Dinner

And before we went to the shops today we nipped to the Ivy Bush Hotel and said "Can we eat here Christmas day?". They said "Ooh, we are nearly full but as it's you I will take you as a last tableful over Xmas


And s'morning I ate my cereal then 5 minutes later I started choking an a rebel crumb that was stuck in my throat. Cough, cough, cough. No still stuck. Wriggle my tongue a bit. Cough, cough-oh it's gone now. No more coughing or choking

(sent from my phone)