Saturday 18 February 2012

What A Day

Good lord, what a wasted day.

First of all TimMY came round and caught up with some paperwork while I looked at stuff on my PC. Then before lunch we set off to the cycling place in Cardiff. We stopped at a services after Swansea and had some lunch. We left the motorway and got into a traffic jam, if took us half an hour to travel the first mile. Which I didn't feel to bad about as it meant we had less time on the bicycle in the rain. Eventually we realised that TimMY had given me the wrong post code for my SatNav to be heading to and then as if by magic there was no traffic jam. We realised that we were gonna be too late for our session so phoned them and apologised.
Then went into the centre of Cardiff to the DM shop. And wow but I want a pair of pink Doctor Marten's but at £85 a pair and I need 2 pairs of different sizes I was a bit too tight fisted to buy any today. Dunno, perhaps in future I won't need a splint on my right foot, so one pair would be enough, wait and see
But I had no time for a nap this afternoon, I tried turning the radio off and shutting my eyes on the way back