Monday 10 March 2014

More Shoe Shopping

Then we had to nip out again to buy more sandals as all the Velcro that keeps it closed had come off one of them


Then we were able to go swimming. Where Paul was impressed by how much better I am getting as we haven't been together for some time. As he was impressed he came up to me and suddenly pushed me in the chest - and I didn't fall over which is because my balance is much better.
He also said "Walk across, don't turn around and try walking back backwards", something which I wouldn't have been able to do a few months ago, but it was easy for me today


Then we had to pop back to Morrison's (as the 'chair fixer came early) and get some oven chips which I had forgotten yesterday


So we had to sit around waiting for the 'chair fixer to come and replace the seat bit of my chair and it is so much higher now, in proper position not kind of sagging somewhat