Thursday 4 May 2017


And tonight at bedtime I stood up and held my walking stick horizontally off the ground and walked out of the kitchen washed my teeth etc then walked to bed without using my walking stick.
And yes I was being careful to tread with both feet etc. I just walked like a proper grownup


So I had to defrag the PC in my bedroom to make Google Chrome (the browser) work. It wouldn't work last night and as I have music url's etc it was a bit tricky

Timmy Dinner

And usually Timmy is working on a Thursday, but not this week. As he won't eat any of my cooking we were able to have the usual "Friday night dinner" of na'an bread pizza and chips tonight


And I had to ask MM that on my old phone it was predictive txting, eg making "i" into "I" and correcting misspellings when I typed but my new phone isn't and I have no idea how to switch it back on. He looked for 5 mins then said "Do this..... and this..... then this" and I am a bit happier typing messages now


So MM said to me today "Right, gym" and we set off. He said "So mega cycle today", I said "No, surely....." and he replied "Ah, you were with Sara on Tuesday so it's a YES" so I got stuck in. I did the first 7km in about half an hour but was so rough then I had to stop for ages, so the last 3km took about 15 minutes. But I did it.
I was thinking "Right, I am so rough after that 7km that I will stop when it says 8" but I didn't ask (nor on 9km) I just struggled on and did it

First Things First

So first off we headed to King St, had to park in one of the further away spaces but that is no longer an issue for me so we walked along and down to Caffi Iechyd Da to fetch the organic delivery, loaded it into the boot and headed off to Morrison's for the rest of my shopping. We took it home and waited while I put it away and paid the organic order via my PC then we headed off to.......