Monday 31 October 2016

Leave The Car In

And even tho it was last serviced 6 months ago the car has started displaying a "Get Serviced" note on the screen so we have booked it in for first thing Wednesday. So we will take it in just before closing time tomorrow and hopefully it will be fixed while there is still another car here so we can get a lift in Wednesday morning
Failing that it is "Taxi" and "Gizza receipt" then take it from Petty Cash


 And *hooray* we are heading to the pool today for a swim.
Well clucking bell, in my week off swimming last week I have got loads better at it. It felt today as if both my legs were moving in the same way, the way I wanted them to. Just lordy, I have been struggling to move my legs together for some years but I could just do it today
Now I said to MM that if I had 1 week off swimming and I got that much better perhaps I should try a couple of months off to see how much better I am then. He didn't agree
I wasn't swimming last week as it was half term, full of kids