Thursday 10 July 2014

Out Tonight

And we went out tonight (as I couldn't see to cook) and used up the £25 voucher I won last time. Which was nice


And we got ta go out s'afternoon to a diabetes clinic where they are going to...... dunno
And they put some eye drops in and took photos of both eyes. Dunno why but she will send the results here when she knows.
Now I can't see, not to drive or use heavy machines....
And I can read emails again now, we have been out for a couple of hours now my eye works again

Looking At Houses

And we went out s'morning 7 miles north of Carmarthen, OK it seemed like 20 miles but we were only 7 away and went to look at a house. But it was beautiful but too many stairs inside, up and down.
On the way back we went to look at another house that Timmy had seen on the 'web s'morning and it looked well worth a second view, so we will have to phone agents etc etc. It is bigger than it looks in pic, it goes far back
And after a phone call we will go and meet them tomorrow morning