Thursday 2 February 2012


And I have noticed recently, from my wheelchair, the loo, seats in class etc that I seem to be able to stand up most of the time without using my hands to pull me too

Less Nap

And as I was nervous because Toby had told me he would be here at 4 PM, and I couldn't nap 'til 3.20, I only had a 20 minute nap today
And it is now 11.10 and I am still up
After midnight still up now


Then I cooked the dinner from the lentils, the veg selection I bought yesterday and the leek that I picked from my garden t'other day


Then eventually Ed gave me a copy of the video that he had been working on for a couple of weeks, so at last I have a video of me singing

After lunch

So then after lunch we went to the gym where I was alone with Samantha again. It went well and she was telling me, and I could see it myself, how much better I am getting and how ½ the exercises that we do are irrelevant as I should concentrate on some


So Ed-ding came here this morning and did stuff on Laptop for ages, this afternoon we are going back to gym, so....