Friday 4 April 2014


So I was just playing a bedtime game of pool, I broke, failed, the PC played, scored with all but one of his coloureds, I tried, scored with all of my coloureds and the black in one go, one turn.
I WON!!!!!

Looked At One/Two

And we went back to have a second look at a house with Paul but he was anti it for many reasons. It was built before the regs changed so the doorways need widening, the kitchen needs knocking thru etc.
So ultimately we decided no
Then later we went to have a first look at one which looked nice. It did, the house looked lovely, the garden looked lovely but it seemed to be next door to a council estate, downmarket and if I am gonna spend that much on a house, nice neighbours are essential


So me and Gareth went to gym. I had my FES switched off for 90% of it and I was able to keep my foot straight. And I was standing and walking for the whole hour. As I was feeling a bit smug about my progress not one but 2 women seperately told me that they can see a difference in me nowadays