Tuesday 29 September 2015


And tonight (as usual) I was lying here and all the rest of me felt warm enough but the toe section of my right foot was shivering thru cold


Then tonight Alex said "Lets go out, not to Carmarthen like we always do" so we headed down to Burry Port to look at the boats etc and they actually launched the lifeboat while we were there


Then after lunch we headed out to Charlies, a kind of all sorts shop where I found summat for my Dad at Christmas. So I have been busy online too this week and I have already bought nearly all the Xmas pressies that I want


So before lunch me and Alex headed to gym and I did lifty up exercises and 20m on the bike. I did notice that on the bike I didn't need to stop for a rest, I just cycled 4 and a bit KM. I am so much fitter than a couple of weeks ago