Thursday 2 August 2018

Fun In't Morning

And tomorrow we are going to the Dr's early so I can pick up 2 'scripts and then see a Dr about the injection in my arse, testosterone.

Thursday Dinner

Usually Timmy is working on Thursday so I have to cook for myself but it was MM today so we could have na'an bread pizza and chips for tea. Mmmmmm

Pant, pant, pant

So first thing s'morning me and MM headed off to the food market, where he has never been before. First of all we headed up the wrong street but I said "No, around the block" so then we came back to the place where us blue badge holders can park. It was full, so we drove past and turned around. As we came back one car had switched his headlights on so we waited for about 45 seconds and he emptied up the space. From there we walked in and got the veg. We are starting to form a relationship, it was the woman of the team working today and I said to her "When you said 'Lovely!' I thought you were talking about yourself" and as we were leaving she said "£14.06" and just charged me £14.00 on the machine
From there to MoreReasonToShopAt.... where I got owt on my list, including fly killer strips which we haven't needed to buy for a year or two
Then we went home and put the shopping away then headed for gym. As usual I have to do about half an hour cycling and it was pissing me off how my two arms react differently but half way thru the cycle (That Beautiful) Sam came past and stopped to react to my complaint. She said "When you started here that arm was as broken as a broken thing, you couldn't even put it on the bike to start with. It is getting better and better, it's just a matter of patience and keep up the good work you are doing and it will get better eventually". Which is really good to hear on one level but on another level it means "Keep working hard"