Sunday, 27 March 2016

Tunes From My Memory

"Oh, oh, oh"  Alex said today and that reminded me of a song, I sang about 3 lines of lyrics (Totus Florio etc) before saying "WTF, where is that from?"


Bother, it is closed today not tomorrow so I will have to carry on with my diary. Fscking swimming.....

The Green Party

And someone who is standing for The Green Party for the next Assembly Member elections is coming here for tea tonight.
Freya, my daughter
She was so young when I lived with her as a father, now she is how grown up?
But I was showing Freya my walking without stick and she said "With stick both feet are the same but without it your left foot only comes as far forward as the right foot which then takes over." So I tried a few steps with proper left/right/left movement and wow, yes, it's summat to work on


So as my bladder was fscked in the past but is getting better now this occured.....
So yesterday I was cooking 2 dinners. The big pan of curry which was running so late yesterday that I had to make another meal to eat yesterday. So I was chopping and stirring etc, I thought "Gord, I need to go for a wee", then I thought "I will just do this first", then "this too" and "Aarggh, this needs doing" etc etc, so when I eventually went for a pee it was bladder crunchy hold it in, so I got to the loo, sat down, relaxed, and..... and..... nothing would come out. It was about 5 minutes between me actually letting go and my bladder relaxing enuf to actually go. I think it was because it had had to be clenched so tight it just couldn't relax