Saturday 24 March 2012


So then Ed came, pottered about for half an hour then we went to the Carmarthen Folk Festival. And wow what a good crowd was on, they were a variety of folkish performers. And I went into the Harvester next to the stage and had lunch, then came back out and listened to more.
And I only needed 1 piss outside between 11 AM and 4.30 when we came back, and I have been drinking extra water for a number of days too
And we are going back out tonight too
And enjoyable it was tonight too, with just 2 of the bands from earlier playing, in the Tangled Parrot which I needed to walk up one step while someone carried my 'chair behind me.
And I didn't need a piss all night, hours

Panic 2

Last night I got into bed and couldn't find my arm splint. This morning I looked around the bed, on't floor, on the shelves, still couldn't find it. I thought "There will be a MOS here soon, better find it", went into the bedroom again, still couldn't find it. Had a brew and thought "Look again", for the third time I went into the bedroom, looked all round, eventually glanced up at the top of the cupboard where I never set owt, Sara the physio had set it up here out of our way


So s'morning at 7.45AM I was just waking up when my phone rang. It was Freya, she said "Can u check on the back seat of your car and see if my purse with that cash I took out of the bank yesterday is in there? Because (panic) it's not here so it is either in your car or hopelessly lost (/p)". I couldn't have reached it myself if it was there so I waited 3 minutes before a member of Leonard Cheshire staff came past and I said "Help" and opened my car.

And she reached in and passed me Freya's purse.
And I was still in mid breakfast before the door knocked and it was Freya, her Mum was giving her a lift into town and she called here to pick it up