Saturday 19 May 2012


And t'other night I had to practice opening web pages part of the way down. I think it worked. "I Want One" and "Way Too Modern"


And Ed is here doing stuff of his own because "What do you wanna do today Neil?" "Erm..... nowt"
Well today we plugged in the new video camera to charge it, I downloaded a video editing program and got stuck. Timmy said "I have only used Windows Movie Maker and it is easy" in an email, so I deleted the editor I had and downloaded a version of WMM. It seems usable but I need to practice more

Pain In Kidney

And I have just gotten up after a couple of wide awake hours to take some parrots-eat-'em-all as I have a wild pain in my kidney/lower back. I only had one small alcohol last night so I don't think it was that but OWWWWW
Lets hear it for parrots-eat-'em-all, 20 mins after taking it I was able to lie still again and another 10 minutes I was asleep. It doesn't hurt now so.....
Well it said not to take more parrots before 10 o'clock, it would wear off by then, it is not 11.30 and my back still doesn't hurt. Another glass of water now then....
And it didn't hurt during my nap today so god nose