Wednesday 3 August 2016


"Well all the paper in my room is printer paper so I stuck my head into the office and asked Gareth if he had any with lines. He looked in about 17 drawers, didn't find any but then made a strange noise and looked in his bag and produced about 1/4 of a book of A4 paper with lines on. He said he was giving it as a gift so........

And it went OK to start with, I was mostly between lines etc but by laird but it is hard. But practice etc etc"

Different Shop

Then after lunch we headed down to Farmfoods to fetch a few bits of food.
I tried buying one Ben & Jerry's pot of ice cream to see if I can make it last a week instead of eating it all at one go tonight

Summat Is Better

And I was getting dressed again s'afternoon when I went to put on my fleece, the one that I have been forced to put on right arm first for some years. I just thought....... and tried putting in my left arm first. That was as easy as ever but putting my right arm in next that I haven't managed for ages, it was harder but still relatively easy.
Now I need to reteach myself habits.....


And I went to gym at lunchtime, to gym not swimming pool, and decided there that we won't be back to the pool 'til kids are back to school. Anyway today I did various upper arm exercises and 10 mins pedalling by hand