Monday 26 September 2011


And later I went out to play with Paul to a Folk Club miles away and it was excellent but I am exhausted now so g'night


And after Morrison's we went to Halfords where I bought a Pink Steering Wheel Cover for the car


So I got up, used my wheelchair to have breakfast and clear it away, since then I have been walking everywhere
When "he" comes and knocks on the door at 10AM I will walk to let him in
Still all the way, we went out in the car for a bit so I sat in my wheelchair for Morrisons then we went for a drive about Cwrt Henri but I am still on my "proper" chair now
Well I got in my wheelchair about half past 5, enough is enough for today. "See you in't morning" he shouted to his proper chair

& At 'Em

So after being so exhausted yesterday I went to bed early for me, about 11.30. Slept like a dead thing 'til 7 AM. Then I woke up for the day