Wednesday 24 February 2016


And I have just finished the book that I have been reading on my Kindle for the last 10 days/fortnight. I was reading The Galapagos Incident and I really liked the SF tone.
I have got another Adrian Mole (noisy link) book to start tomorrow which I am rather looking forward to....

Walking About Stickless

Last night I had just left my 'stick at the other side of the kitchen, and today I went out of the front door with my 'stick held up in my right hand off the ground and walked (more slowly than usual) all the way across the front of the house and around the corner to my car door. All the way

Aqua Aerobics

And we headed off to gym s'afternoon for this. It was as much fun as last time although we did less of the walking forwards with a held in front oblong float which proved so difficult last time

Electrical Cleverness

So Clever Timmy came in s'morning. First of all he had to reconnect my PC to the ethernet connection which is much faster etc.
Then he had to try plugging in the Amazon Fire TV connection that me and Alex had failed to connect at all. He got that working so now I have loadsa channels/programmes/films to watch
Then he got stuck into mending my TV (the one that had just had the Fire TV connected) to make it make sense, where is BBC1 etc

Chicken Dinner

And today, for the first time this year, I have actually finished all this years games, won*them. The 2nd January game was proving a bit tricky but I finally won it s'morning