Tuesday 26 June 2018

NOT Quizzing

And I decided to not go to "the pub quiz" tonight as I am going out to hang around watching folk bowl tomorrow and going to Iechyd Da Folk Night the next night. So actually spending a night here is worth while

Hanging Out

And I did another load of washing and hung it out today.
When I was much iller I used to just tumble dry it. When I was healthier but still not very mobile so I couldn't walk on the uneven stones below the washing line I used to hang it on a clothes horse and dry it indoors. Now I just hang it out
And it was dry three hours later when I checked


And I was lying naked after my bath today with the window open. Not under covers or anything, it was blinkin' hot

Too Hot For Exer-fscking-cise

And today it is much too hot for exercise but I am @ gym cycling. I have done over 1km already but there is another 2.259km to go
Oh what fun we have...
And I cycled 3.25km and sed "Done" to RoyGBiv and he said "No, up to 10km" so it is not going as quickly as I thought at first


And I am knackered already but "we" "need" to head to the gym and do 3.2510km on the bike today
I am looking forward to it already.....


So I closed the curtains in my bedroom last night to see if that was why I was waking up so early but no, I was still awake at 6.45 s'morning