Wednesday 28 January 2015

Meet Teaming

So everyone (except those with courses in the way etc) are coming here tomorrow morning for a Team Meeting so they can slag me off to Denyse etc.
I have been told I can go but don't think so, I have written a piece with my queries and printed it s'evening

Reading Stand

So I was telling someone how I can read with my Kindle on the table in front of me, he said "They sell book stands", I said "Yes, my iPad is in one of those", so took my iPad out and tried my Kindle

Oh yes, I like it

Twice In Two Days

So "we" (me and GGtGG) are heading over for my second swimming session in two days in a bit.
We went yesterday too-f*cking-oooo
"Excuses, excuses, excuses". No can't think of one that will work......
(sigh) Well we went and it actually wasn't too bad, we walked, did my exercises, swam etc, then left


I was walking to the loo s'morning, looked out the window and thought "Look's nice....", sat down, went to the loo, came out and looked out window again at a really heavy rain shower which had come from nowhere, 5 minutes later it is dry once more
Half an hour later and the sun is shining....
Rain and my bottom must be related somehow...