Tuesday, 13 November 2012


So then me and Paul, my emergency coverer, nipped out. We went to a pub near Carmarthen where I had 2 Imminent Diabetes Whiskey and Water's


So I cooked dinner for Tim today, ate it up, he ate about 75% of his then threw up. A phone call later Paul is coming in to replace him

Anxiety Management

So yesterday Denyse said that I need to work on my Anxiety Management with the team. I thought "Pardon?" but Google did mention how large a subject this is, I mentioned this to Denyse and she said "Calm down, don't try and read all of this, concentrate on this" so... dunno.... will do

Lie In

So s'morning as I had no important stuff on I switched my alarm clock off last night. Lying in bed, dozing.... I didn't wake up until 9.03!!!

(sent from my phone)