Wednesday 24 May 2017


So now, at 11pm it is apparently still at 17°C

Out Around Town

Then s'evening, at MM's call, we popped into town for a walk. Around town and well uphill and downhill I led him. As I had to say to him, just "Lordy", how much better am I than even 6 months ago. We didn't have any destination, we were just out for a walk, it was a beautiful night


And I am trying to get back in my routine today so... hip hip hooray.... we will head poolwards for an Aqua Aerobics session after lunch today...
And I have already changed into my trunx and clean clothes etc, washed the rest and hung them out to dry in an eco-sensible, environmentally friendly way.... (As the sun is shining today......)
Well we did it. It was as much fun as usual but I am getting so much better at balancing and walking, obviously summat is working