Tuesday 20 March 2018


So I went back to Men's-Shed tonight, the first time I have been there for a month. I didn't actually do anything, just socialized and kept an eye on what folk were doing tonight

Doesn't Hurt

And I have just been using that ball thingy that I was given yesterday and it hurts loads less than it did yesterday. I can actually squeeze it with my thumb and third finger which I couldn't do yesterday, it hurt too much
AND I was able to put my splint on much tighter when I put it on myself tonight. Yes, I am obviously "getting better" in some way


Then we popped to gym and I got stuck into the rowing machine for the first time in about a month as I can manage it now.
It was harder work but I did my 10km

First Things First

First Things First we popped down to the Drs to fetch my soapy stuff and my asthma inhaler except what I had ordered was my inhaler and cream for my legs, so when I came home I had to order some soapy stuff which I will collect on Thursday when I am there seeing the Diabetes nurse