Wednesday, 16 November 2016




And more practice working with sound to get it into my head how to do it so next time I am stuck I will just remember how.
And how to send the sound from my phone in an email to my PC so I can use it on my website etc (Hint hint). Nothing needs plugging into anything else, they send it thru the air, magically

WTF's going on?

So WTF is this about, a letter from my Doctor?

Were Off

So in 45 minutes time it is time to go to Aqua Aerobics. With GGtGG who she thinks is useless, but that's not my problem
Aargh, so today there wasn't the usual teacher, the replacement was aware of my limitations etc but the exercises she made us do were extra knackering


So last night when heading bedwards I closed the kitchen door. It just closed quietly and easily, I no longer had to do 4 or 5 bangs to make it close. That's better. (Click on pic to hear noise)