Tuesday 22 March 2016

Crisis For Alex

So in between building jobs etc today I heard loud crying coming from the office. I enquired and Alex said the printer wasn't handling colour properly. I said "Ink?" he said "No, someone has just changed the cartridge" but they hadn't used the expensive versions that we had to go to Tesco to buy. It wasn't seeing the ink or summat. So he did loads of PC repairing then got a new expensive Tesco's cartridge, fitted that instead and instantly that worked. So as Timmy has the same printer (and possibly brought the cheap replacement) he has a couple of cartridges to take with him and see if they work on his printer. How much should I charge him?
But it's all fixed now, so phew


And we went swimming after gardening and it was as much fun as usual.
But I did it and various exercises

Lordy, unexpectedly busy

So first of all s'morning MagicMark remembered to ask Alex to give him a hand and move my "growing things" container next to the greenhouse, while there were 2 people available to lift it, then I practised walking around while Alex went in the garage and got some stuff. Then we were able to start 3 plants growing in seed pots then we will put the other 2 out in that "growing things container" later after we have taken out the dead plants from last year etc
So my greenhouse has started big style, it was only put up a few days ago....
And later, after swimming, we got stuck in again, emptying out my trug and replanting it with onions and carrots


Political correctness gone mad? If you are not on the premises we can't help you?

Link from Bruce on Ixion