Wednesday 13 June 2018


Then tonight I had to go to Farmfoods as GGtGG said "We need staff tea and coffee". I thought then said "But I don't need any food, as I now cook a veg casserole which lasts most of the week every week" so all I bought was more of those ice cream lolly thingies but GGtGG spend 12 or 14 quid on the staff card

Oh What Fun We Had

Well s'morning I had a hot chocolate with GGtGG, then I asked him to drive me to the postbox and posted..... summat. Now I am having  quiet half hour before changing into my swimming trunx and clean clothes and going swimming.
Oh I feel so positive about the whole think....
Well wasn't that fun. It was harder work than usual but equally fun. But today for the first time I was able to stand on my right foot and move my left foot about without holding on with my left hand, so some progress =.....