Wednesday, 20 June 2012


So here I am sitting in a Folk Club tonight, it is about 10.50 and I haven't had a piss since I left my house hours ago

(sent from my phone, please CC hippyweb at too)

Oven Crisis

So tonight I switched on't oven and want to bed for ½ on hour to nap. Got up, opened the oven to put food in and UGH. It looks like a small piece of plastic was sitting on the top shelf and had melted and dripped down making a stuck-on mess on all the shelve and a bigger mess of the bottom.

More Purchasing

Then later today we went and tried out a Bath-Lift which seemed really comfortable, but he is bringing it to my new home to try tomorrow afternoon, then we will decide yeah or nay
And we bought a posh armchair too, it raises electrically etc


So there is no-one here to look after me s'morning as they are all having a meeting "about me". They will be here after lunch