Friday 25 May 2012

More Busyness

First thing today Sara The Physio came to do loads more stuff on my arm. It is helping, I am getting better but she accepted that I am way too busy for a few months
So over lunchtime me and Paul and an extra learning Ed went to swimming pool. I can see that it is helping me but I still would rather not go
And in the pool Ed tried standing next to me with foam dumbbells which I now can move up and down properly, it is helping my movement. But Ed is such a weak beginner that he struggled moving them up and down
Then we came back here 'cos I had more salad to eat for a late lunch.
Then I nipped to bed for a nap
Then later when Freya was here I was gonna help her to cook pizzas for us too, I grated the cheese and took out the naan bread that I bought on Monday, it had gone mouldy in the heat. It still had time on the best before and it had been sitting in the bread bin since Monday but it had gone all mouldy already as it has been so hot. So I had to have summat else from the freezer for tea.
Then we got on that Skype thing to David and Nora on the new whole family laptop, but it does seem a bit pointless to me.