Wednesday 13 April 2016


And we picked her up and she was nice, a civilised grownup who it was nice to spend a couple of hours with
And she did mention how much less objectionable I am nowadays as opposed to shortly after my accident.....


Then later today "we" had an acqa aerobics class. Again it is incredible how much my balance has got better etc
The instructor woman was getting us to do sum exercises on the wall, I explained that my right toes were complaining and I was rather impressed how much she listened and said "Class do this, Neil do this instead" for much of the rest of the class
 So there is only "Pick up Freya" to do


And I went to the scary dentist s'morning, seeing both the hygienist and the dentist, but they both seemed pleased with my oral hygiene, no fillings or owt needed.
Then I came back, had a quick lunch then off to pool for an aqua aerobics session
Then over to Freya's to pick her up for a visit