Friday 7 February 2014


And I had my usual Friday dinner of naan bread pizza and chips which was as lovely as ever.
Tomorrow I am having roasted veg but with potato and carrot instead of butternut squash this time. I think this will just last 1 night unlike butternut which had to be used twice

Busy 2

So after changing into my trainers we went along to gym class (1). Good lord, but this Testosterone seems to be making me work harder etc, I did it all from start to finish today.
Then we nipped to Aardvark and did another weeks shopping before coming back and having a late lunch (2)
(1) The last with Sam for 10 weeks, I nearly had to cry when saying goodbye
(2) During which I spilt half a glass of apple juice over the table, my leg and the floor. (grumble, grumble, grumble)


So today we were a bit busy. First of all we went to the chemist next door to the doctors, they said "Ted stockings, Monday" so then we went to the disabled stuff shop by the railway station and picked up my new bath seat thingy. Because this took so long there was no time to nip to Aardvark, after gym for that then